Essays // Creative Non-Fiction

Summer 2023 | “Come Think With Me”: Finding Communion in the Liberatory Textual Practices of Kameelah Janan
Rasheed (peer-reviewed) // Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts

2021 | “Re-Memory Work: Quilting Black Narratives of Freedom” // Voices on the Underground Railroad,
Cornell University Rural Humanities Program

2021 | Ever Present and in Process: Breathing and Grieving with Ogemdi Ude and Sydney King // Recess Art

2020 | The Year of Our Audre Lorde (year-long essay series) // Autostraddle

2019 | Knowledge Isn’t Neutral: On Radical Librarianship // Teachers & Writers Magazine

2019 | Tracing Harriet Tubman’s Steps // Zora Magazine

2018 | Blood :: Orange // Apogee

2018 | Trouble the Waters: Caribbean and Diasporic Writers Resource Guide // Teachers & Writers Magazine

2017 | Loss Gain Loss* // VICE Magazine
(*published under different title)

Forthcoming 2023 | On Touching the Intangible // Jess Dobkin’s Wetrospective Exhibition Catalog (Intellect Press, Live Art Series)

Forthcoming 2023 | “Jehan L. Roberson and Shannon O’Neill in Conversation" // Grabbing Tea: Queer Conversations on Librarianship (Litwin Press)

Book Chapters

2020 | Notes from the Field // World Literature Today

2013 | Should Love Come Looking // Kalyani Magazine

2013 | To the Owner of Lonely Nights // Kalyani Magazine
